

      Wednesday, October 29, 2008

      诚心邀请您-- 您知道耶稣是谁吗?27-29/11/2008




      People of different faiths generally accept that Jesus Christ was truly a good man who lived in Israel about 2000 years ago. Some consider him a prophet, while others regard him as a moral teacher; yet others see him as a religious revolutionist.

      But when we honestly look at what the Bible tells us about Jesus, we would realize that he was definitely more than a prophet, a moral teacher, or a revolutionist. In fact, if we were to closely examine the claims of the Bible, we will no longer see him as a mere good man. We shall have to acknowledge that his presence on earth was the central event in all human history, and that our eternal destiny has everything to do with our response to this event.

      You are sincerely invited to come and gain a clear understanding of who Jesus really is, and to learn what Jesus has to do with your life.

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      Monday, October 27, 2008



      班登英达卫理公会青年团契 欢迎你们



      2009 年班登英达卫理公会青年团契 职员:

      李传道, 李师母

      团长- 黄德清

      副团长 - 林娟

      文书 - 林俊镐

      副文书 - 刘本纺

      财政 - 林珊珊

      门训 - 辛耀圻

      宣教 - 黄拔萍

      团契 - 陈成珠

      服侍 - 吴岳圣

      敬拜 - 林国煌

      Thursday, October 16, 2008

      伟齐顾问 Say Yo~~~ check it out!!

      Hi All,

      I am very happy when I can read all the emails from you guys. Warm greetings from Malaysia. I appreciate that. Today I want to share with you all of my Sunday experience in Florence. Guess what?

      I found a Chinese church where I can go for the Sunday service. It was not easy at all to find this church. Firstly, I tried to search in the internet and I found that there is a Chinese church in Florence and I emailed the webpage to look for the exact address. I got the address last last week and I went to the place...30 minutes of walking...however, that place is no longer there...they have moved to a new place. So I emailed again and they gave me a new address..well, this is quite challenging to me because the place is very far from the place I stayed.

      Today, I waked 25 minutes to the bus stop which will go to the direction. Waited for 15 minutes for the bus to come and took another 20 minutes to reach the place. After that need to walk 10 minutes again to the church. I was not sure about the place and of course cannot speak Italian, so what i did is to draw up the place and asked the bus driver to drop me off when the destination is near. It was a challenge but with God's grace...i arrived safely!! I have calculated the whole trip...it took me about 1 hour 15 minutes to reach the church. Sometimes I am wondering that we are so "幸福" because in KL, the church van will arrive at your place to pick you up to church. Or someone will come to your place to pick you up. You never have to worry how to go to church. Perhaps next time all of us should try from your home to go to church by your own effort and then you will appreciate the effort of the brothers and sisters who are willing to sacrifice their time to pick you all up. However, some peoples may not be bother about it and said...since no transport...no need to golah.. But here...i need to figure out by my self. I am glad that I made the effort and I do appreciate this experience.

      Because of this experience, it taught me that do not take things for granted.. Ok, talk about the new church.. It was not the kind of church I imagine before. I arrived on time, 3.30 pm for the service.. no pamplet..no one welcome you...i found a seat and sit down. They have singspiration for 30 minutes by singing alike of “普颂"...old songs.. No stand up, no excitement...all the tempo are the same....180....whether a fast song or slow song...the tempo are all the same..and i noticed that does not matter which song...the tune is C major...I think...nothing exciting like our gifted pianist in Pandan Indah.. After 30 minutes of singing...actually the singing is to wait for more peoples to come, the chairperson started the service by praying (a long pray)..and they sung a song, and pray again..after that...sermon given by a brother. After the sermon...pray again and finish. No choir, no "奉献", no report...after the service, everyone just left... I have been thinking through...we in Pandan Indah...or in Malaysia are so so so fortunate...we have everything..but yet we still not satisfy with it...imagine if one day Pandan Indah church does not hv singspiration group...no choir...not gathering...no youth fellowship...every sunday just go to church pray, and then listened to sermon and then go back...is that what we want?? This has been a great experience for me..

      I have asked God and I believe HE put me here..must have some reasons, maybe I do not know now...but I know HE will have a plan for me. The today's sermon also great where the brother shared that as a christian...we need to read bible frequently and plant it in our heart. He has challenged that if you served a lot in church but yet not reading bibles...how do you serve? Where do you get the strenght to serve our Lord? Is is based on our talent or our experience? As a Christian, we need to get the strength from the bible so that we can faced the challenges. Otherwise, with your own experiences and talent...one day when you faced challenges you will fall.. Also, he mentioned that a lot of peoples wanting to sacrifice themselve fto serve God full time...and he asked...if you are not reading bibles and understand bible..how do you know to serve God.?? Waoh...this sermon is great..and touched by what he shared. Also, from my observation, I think all the peoples are from China. They are matured in bible and understand the important of praying and reading bible..

      I hope our fellows in Pandan Indah can pick up as well. The church I went to is not a big church...maybe around 50 peoples with a lot of children. I will go there again next week and try to make new friends there. Though the trip to there is long (return trip is 2 hours) but I think it is worth it. Please pray for me so that God will show me His way to me. I do not know what I can do here but I will try my best. I hope brothers and sisters in Pandan Indah must treasure all the moment you have in Pandan Indah church. Don't take it for granted..otherwise when you lose it...you will never get it back.

      Vin Kee from Florence.

      Florence Duomo
      Florence Flowers
      Florence Food- Roasted Pig.. Wow~~~
      Florence Food - Pork
      Florence Bridge House
      Florence Food- Sausage
      Florence Michael Angelo
      Florence mamak stall

      Sunday, October 12, 2008





      Saturday, October 11, 2008


      谢谢 Irene 姐在百忙中抽空
      跟我们分享这次的专题 : 营养基础概念

      生活在如今繁忙的城市中, 一天三餐 听起来很简单

      早餐一定要吃, 它带给你一天好开始。
      午餐要有均衡营养, 而晚餐就要吃得刚刚好 。

      可以 在这里了解有关资料 .

      才能好好的走在 事奉的道路上。

      Wednesday, October 8, 2008


      A. 天国的扩展

      马太在4:23把耶稣传道事工归纳为三方面:教导、宣讲及医治。5~7章是有关天国子民的教导,8~9章则记述耶稣治病、赶鬼的事迹。于9:35,马太有又再次用“教训”、“宣讲”和“医治”来总括这一阶段耶稣的事工。在第10章里,耶稣嘱咐门徒要延续和扩大祂的使命和事工(太 10:7-8)。

      B. 耶稣的神迹
      1. 十个神迹(8~9章)

      i. 洁净大麻风(8:2-4)
      ii. 治好百夫长(8:5-13)
      iii. 治好彼得岳母的热病(8:14-15)
      iv. 平静风浪(8:23-27)
      v. 治好加拉大两个被鬼附的人(8:28-32)
      vi. 治好瘫痪病人(9:1-7)
      vii. 治好患了12年血漏病的女人(9:20-22)
      viii. 使管会堂的女儿复活(9:18-19、23-26)
      ix. 治好两个瞎子(9:27-30)
      x. 治好被鬼附的哑巴(9:32-33)



      2. “神迹”是什么:

      3. 耶稣施行神迹的意义:
      a. 显示祂的神性及权柄
      b. 印证祂所宣讲的福音
      c. 施恩怜悯人
      d. 把人引领到神面前
      e. 强调其神迹性事工与天国临近的关系(太11:3-6,12:28)
      f. 要求人顺服上帝的主权,学习以信心接受上帝的治理。


      4. 神迹与信心:
      马太记载耶稣的神迹时,注重对话多于其他 细节。他强调人的信心时支渠耶稣能力的途径。

      1. 平静风浪的默想,你对整个事情有什么 感受呢?
      2. 你如何在你基督徒的生命中实践“教导”、“宣讲”以及“医治”的使命呢?(太4:23、9:35、10:7-8)
      3. 讨论神迹对今天信徒的积极性。有那几方面是我们要谨慎呢?

      Monday, October 6, 2008






      新郎,新娘终于出现了~ :)